Myths of 'Memory Recovery Therapy' and the Realities

Myth: Hypnosis can "reverse amnesia" or "recover memories." Myth: Checklists of symptoms like those in The Courage to Heal can be used to diagnose childhood sexual abuse. Myth: Techniques such as sodium amytal interviews, hypnosis, age regression, guided imagery, dream interpretation, journaling, or the diagnosis of 'body memories' can be used to accurately recover forgotten or "repressed" memories. "You must believe that your client was sexually abused, even if she sometimes doubts it herself .... Joining a client in doubt would be like joining a suicidal client in her belief that suicide is the best way out." -- The Courage to Heal, First Edition, p.347 Myth: "If your client says she wasn't abused but you suspect that she was, ask again later." -- The Courage to Heal, First Edition, p.350 Myth:"Recovering memories" is a safe and effective form of counseling.
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