How to Use the Email Page
How to Use the Email PageUsing the email page is easy:
Why This Site Can't Get Your Email or Mailing Address Without Your PermissionBasically, the security model built in to browsers prevents sites from reading the contents of a form (like your name and address) until the user clicks a "Submit" button. The HTML page and the JavaScript code it contains are downloaded to your computer and stay there. Nothing can be "uploaded" back to the site without your permission.When you send an email message to an elected official like the President, the email message is sent from your computer to the elected official's site. It does not go through on the way. So, even if you type in your name and address on this form and send emails to the elected officials, we won't receive your address. Your privacy is maintained. No one receives your email address or your mailing address except the person you send them to. Note: since we are trying to be fully open about privacy issues, we should mention that when you send anyone email over the Internet, it "hops" along servers that are located between your computer and the recipient's computer. No one can predict which servers a given email will pass through. Theoretically, if one of those servers along the way were "snooping" and intercepting emails and your email happened to pass through that server, the server could read your email as it passed the email along. However, such "snooping" is generally against the policy of the universities and Internet Service Providers which provide this email relay service. Also, even if a server wanted to snoop, it couldn't predict what emails it was going to receive, so it would receive little or no information of interest to whoever set the server up. As a result, most people don't worry too much about this essentially theoretical risk. If this risk bothers you, use this site to create and print a form letter and send the letter through the U.S. mail. It's against the law to intercept and read other people's physical mail. How to Send Email Without Typing Your Name and Address Into This FormIf you still don't want to type your name and address into the form (even after you've read Why This Site Can't Get Your Email or Mailing Addresses Without Your Permission), that's fine. Follow these steps:
How to Create and Print a Personalized Form Letter to MailIf you would prefer to send your letter by U.S. mail instead of email, follow these steps:
How to Create and Print a Form Letter Without Typing Your Name and Address Into This FormIf you want to send a letter but are still nervous about typing your name and address into a form on the Internet, do this:
How to Create a Generic Form Letter for Your Friends to Copy and MailIf you have friends who would like to send mail to their elected officials but don't have Internet access, you can use this page to create and print a form letter which they can copy and send through the U.S. mail. It's easy: