Old Habits Die HardIn '92 one of the most sensational cases of satanic ritualistic abuse in the United States was discovered. Seventeen girls from a small East Coast community exhibited traumatic symptoms consistent with post-traumatic stress disorder. Experts were called in to examine the girls. While initially unable to recall what had occurred, the girls were eventually able to recover repressed memories of ritual abuse. Before the investigation was over, the largest SRA scandal to date had been uncovered, and 140 people were indicted in the subsequent investigation. Though there was no actual evidence of SRA, the authorities found the testimony of the girls to be compelling and convincing. Local community leaders were stunned that this could occur in their town without anyone suspecting. Of the 140 people that were originally indicted, thirty-one were found guilty of ritualistic abuse. Of those found guilty, eleven were sentenced to prison and served varying amounts of prison time, nineteen of the guilty were hanged, and one man was slowly crushed between huge stones until his death two days later. The year, of course, was 1692. The place was Salem, Massachusetts. Between 1484 and 1723 approximately two hundred thousand people were tortured and murdered during waves of witch hysteria, which cycled across various European countries. Typically a community would become panicked that there were witches causing various calamities (hailstorms, cows giving sour milk, young girls with unexplained afflictions, etc.). Ministers preached against the horrors of the witches and the need for God's people to ferret out evildoers and bring them to confession and justice. Magical lists of "indicators" were developed that allowed God's faithful to detect a witch. After torture with some of the cruelest techniques ever devised, the accused would admit guilt or die during the proceedings. The confessions were then used as proof that the original "indicators" were correct. Shortly after confessing, the accused was murdered (typically strangled, hanged, or beheaded) and burned. The witch panic would progress, leaving in its wake up to thousands murdered in a particular region before it would eventually subside. Often the satanic panic would resurface decades later in the same community and the cycle would start anew. Three hundred years later, the witch-hunters are back in full force, looking for new victims. Webster's Third International Dictionary defines a witch-hunt as, "An investigation of or campaign against dissenters conducted on the pretext of protecting the public welfare and resulting in public persecution and defamation of character."2 In a definitive work on witch hysterias of the past, Rossell Robbins
noted aspects of inquisitional laws that were created to guarantee that
the accused would be found guilty.3 His historical review
was published in 1960, yet perfectly describes today's False Memory Crisis:
When I was practicing regressionism, I deeply believed in multigenerational satanists. Through different seminars and readings, I had learned deep, intricate conspiracy theories about them. With their legions of followers, immense wealth, and tremendous power, they were the "unseen hand" that guides the events of nations. The notion appealed to my beliefs as a Christian in an actual Satan. It seemed to explain so much of what was wrong with our world. I listened to national 'experts' teach with hushed tones about intricate theories and expound on horrific crimes satanists were committing. The more popular version teaches that multigenerational satanists are believed to have existed for centuries and thousands of them have infiltrated positions of power throughout the world. In their worship and service to Satan, they torture and murder thousands of adults and children each year. They also have ancient, magical techniques that they use in their rituals to create alter personalities in helpless victims. In regression circles these "victims" are identified as suffering from multiple personality disorder. It's interesting to note that before therapy the client has no knowledge of the other personalities within her. Regressionists believe the knowledge of the cult is locked away in one or more of the hidden personalities, and the regressionist is the only one who can uncover the secret past by the use of different hypnotic techniques. Like the earlier witch hunts, the conspiracy theories have an anti-Semitic theme, maintaining that Jewish mystics (who are allegedly multigenerational satanists) were smuggled out of Nazi Germany by the CIA and then taught undercover law enforcement how to create alter personalities in helpless victims. Since then the CIA has also supposedly used these techniques. The multigenerational satanists are said to be so advanced that they are able to plant "triggers" in the victim, so that decades later the victim can be preprogrammed to kill herself on a particular anniversary r return to the cult if she ever discovers the truth of her past. So, once in therapy, the regressionist will forbid the client from reading any mail or accepting any calls from family members because at any moment a trigger word can be read or heard and the client will then kill herself or drop out of therapy and return to the cult. Regressionists estimate anywhere from 200,000 up to 500,000 people have survived the multigenerational satanists' tortures and secretly carry the knowledge of the cult and the implanted triggers outside of conscious awareness. With all this talk there must be something to the conspiracy theories. Or is there?